assimilation theory

美 [əˌsɪməˈleɪʃn ˈθiːəri]英 [əˌsɪməˈleɪʃn ˈθɪəri]
  • 网络同化理论;同化论;类化理论;同化学说
assimilation theoryassimilation theory
  1. An Exploration into the Application of Assimilation Theory to the Teaching of Chemical Concepts


  2. The Primal Application Research of Figure Assimilation Theory in the Nuclear Accident Consequence Forecast


  3. Set expression of assimilation theory and its applications in Physical Teaching


  4. On the Comprehensible Input under the Context of Cognitive Assimilation Theory


  5. The application of assimilation theory and principle of proximity learning to Chinese Revision will achieve better results .


  6. The research and practice of cognizant assimilation theory in the chemical concept teaching of junior middle school


  7. His cognitive assimilation theory makes senses that the new knowledge and skills of students ' in physical learning is connected with their previous personal physical experience .


  8. As to the relationship among racial groups , theories are different : such as assimilation theory , pluralistic culture hypothesis , human-ecological culture theory , power level theory and integration theory .


  9. By using the set theory , the assimilation theory is exactly expressed , the precise meaning of knowledge chain and net are given , knowledge knot , bundle andassimitation intensity are defined .


  10. According to modern cognitive assimilation theory , we point out the essence of structural methods in mathematical problem solving , study the classification , models and bases of assimilation in structural methods , and give suggestion on teaching .


  11. The head-feature assimilation theory is applied that the grammatical features of head-element of compounds assimilate the whole compound , thus determining their parts of speech . hence in Chinese the word frequency and the core attribute seep the inverse ratio .


  12. The cognizant assimilation theory of Ausubel provides the theoretical direction for the chemical concept teaching of junior middle school . This text discusses the assimilative mode of superordinate relationships , subordinate relationships and combinational relationships used in the chemical concept teaching of junior middle school .


  13. His theory not only reveals that language learning is a cognitive process , but also lays a foundation for Ausubel 's Cognitive Assimilation Learning Theory ( Ausubel interprets the learning process with cognitive structure ) .


  14. Ensemble data assimilation is at the intersection of ensemble forecasting methodologies and relatively independently developed data assimilation based on the theory of statistical estimation .
